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On line in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+3Posted:2018-06-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: onlinenonlinearproduction linemason-dixon linenonlinear equationtransmission linehigh voltage transmission linefall in line
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(91) Then you need to find a free on line counter , in the related website.
(92) When interference of tooth shape occurs, the coordinate value of drive engagement point would be rectified by the computer on line until the interference disappears.
(93) This paper proposes a novel method of detecting the rotor time constant T2 of a motor on line in terms of the vector diagram of T-I type equivalent.
(94) Combine blur control with general PID control, on line self-adjusting PID parameters according to different error and error variety-rate, which is called PID parameters self-tuning blur controller.
(95) This paper introduces the device, characteristic of operation and application for M228 grinder of measure on line for internal grinder.
(96) A human simulation intelligent controller is discussed which can adjust parameters on line according to the different errors.
(97) This article explores the problems existing in on line marketing and aims to supply references ideas for marketing planning.
(98) This system can be used to test the properties of the moulding sand on line, such as sand compactability , green compressive strength, and sand temperature, and to control the actual.
(99) The actual delays depend on line speed and system load.
(100) Furthermore, the identify on line of flow model and relationship of quality flux and light projections have been elementarily found through plenty of experiments on quartz particles flow fields.
(101) The On line measurement of aspheric workpiece surface is made by using a precise calibrated, low force, air bearing LVDT and the measuring system composed of corresponding software and hardware.
(102) QNT-4 Thickness gage is used for measuring on line and automatic controlling the thickness on line.
(103) The result indicates that this method can be used to monitor grinding quality on line in real productive activity.
(104) Harmonic wave analysis method is the insulator medium consume factor on line method and discussed hte effect on the main factor of the medium consume on line supervision precision.
(105) By building the data ware house and using on line analysis process, engineer can analysis the cathode and anticathode from different view.
(106) Medium plate rolling mill is the hardcore of a medium plate plant, and it is important to monitor operation conditions of the rolling mill on line.
(107) A flow injection spectrophotometric method has been developed for on line monitor nitrite in environmental water. The method based on N (1 naphthyl)ethylenediamine spectrophotometry.
(108) An real-world application in Henan Brach China Aluminium shows that intelligent integrated model is effective and it can predict RSA and LR on line very precisely.
(109) Current sensor is an important element for on line PD monitor of electric power equipment and its transfer characteristic has a direct influence on PD measurement.
(110) The corrosion rate of carbon steel in the prefilming solution was monitored by an on line measurement system consisting of a coulostatic pertubation meter and a micro computer.
(111) For the problem of dielectric loss tangent on line measurement for capacitive type equipment,(sentencedict .com) a Virtual Instrument based on wavelet analysis and correlation technique is presented in this psper.
(112) It avoids identifying parmeter on line and can give a rather accurate servo tracking result and is fairly robust to system parameter variation and load disturbance.
(113) It is also useful when using selective display, because a plus sign bitmap can be displayed on line "0".
(114) Composite film was prepared by on line chemical vapor deposition on float glass.
(115) An on line concentration technique was developed to determinate trace impurity in Zolmitriptan and Mexitil.
(116) The model integrates cost data with the scheduling data by unity coding to efficiently implement cost schedule integration control on line.
(117) Thanks to 60,000 or so folks who voted on line in a poll sponsored by the zoo and New York's Daily News, the great escape artist will now be known as Mia.
(118) The WDM star network composed of star couplers has great flexibility of networking. Its size can be increased conveniently and smoothly on line by a factor ofm.
(119) The synthetic method monitored by laser and computer on line was installed to determine the solubility of some systems which have quick solid-liquid equilibria.
(120) The machine is proved simple structure and less investment in practice. It can be used cutting-off profiles steel of non-closed section on line.
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